As a commitment to optimal wellness and healing, we offer Naturopathic Services. These include Nutritional counseling, Acupressure (no needles), Kinesthetic testing, Energy Work (Reiki, Perelandra Essences, Bach Flower Essences), Aromatherapy (treatment and personalized formulas), Iridology, Homeopathy, Arvigo Technique Maya Abdominal Massge™, and Herbals. Deborah will work with you for a personal plan for wellness. For those wanting to drop prescription medications, she will coordinate a health plan with your personal medical physician. KCRH has effective and safe formats for detoxification for weight loss, health adjustment, parasite cleansing and environmental cleansing. These have been chosen for their effectiveness, gentleness on the system, and can be modified for any dietary requirements. |
Your partner on the path to health and optimal wellnessPhone 832.818.0186 | Contact MeContent © 2002-2022, Kamala Center for Radiant Health™ |